Saturday, July 10, 2010

6th CPC anomalies : Story not yet over

The Govt of India had set up a National Anomaly Committee to look into and iron out various anomalies arising out of the Sixth Central Pay Commission.
Keeping in view the fact that many anomalies have not been settled to the satisfaction of central govt employees and pensioners, the govt has extended the term of the NAC till 31st of March 2011.
The committee would hence continue examining anomalies of the 6th CPC till the said date.
The letter issued by the Govt in this regard can be accessed by clicking here.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Soldiers of Misfortune

Dear All,

Antipathy of MOD towards Defence Veterans continues unabated,will it ever end?

Kindly read on.


Ramesh HT

Soldiers of Misfortune : India Today

Sandeep Unnithan has very comprehensively covered the issue of disability benefits in the defence services through his very detailed write-up in India Today.
The logical reaction should be that of introspection and not of lament. We all must play our little roles to improve the system and make it fair, just and equitable.
The Services Headquarters have been very supportive of the cause and have time and again propounded an improvement in the system, but in the road towards change, one of the major problems is the lack of continuity of officers at key positions which hampers the smooth transition towards perfection. This ultimately leaves the field open for leveraging by lower level officialdom which is manned by people who do not wear uniform and who cannot analyse the ground situation too well.
For starters, most of the problems would be sorted out if all members of medical boards and the civilian staff at the PS Directorate are made to properly read and apply the Entitlement Rules, 1982, while examining disabilities. This simple and elementary action would cut disability litigation into half, mark my words.